The Sphinx, in Greek mythology, was the daughter of two monsters, Echidna and Typhon. She was a monster with a woman's head, winged lion body and snake tail. Her name means strangler.
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Edipo e la Sfinge, copia su piatto ornamentale, figure rosse |
Lì, la Sfinge proponeva ai passanti un indovinello e, se non lo risolvevano, li divorava.
Edipo lo risolse e la Sfinge si uccise gettandosi dal dirupo su cui stava accovacciata.
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Edipo e la Sfinge, ceramica greca a figure nere |
The myth tells that the Sphinx came to Thebes from Africa, sent by Hera, to punish the Tebanes because of a mistake made by their king.
There, the Sphinx offered to the passers-by an enigma and, if they did not solve it, she devoured them.
Oedipus resolved, and the Sphinx killed herself by jumping from the reef where she was crouching.
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Edipo e la Sfinge dipinto da Ingres (1808) |
Over time, they were many the artistic rapresentations of Sfinx
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a guardia delle piramidi egizie |
Questo mostro di cui parla il mito potrebbe in realtà essere una trasformazione mitologica dell'antica Dea Signora della Vita e della Morte e del del Tempo, la preistorica Reggitrice della Natura, che l'archeologa Marija Gimbutas chiamò la Grande Dea.
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nel santuario di Delfi |
This monster spoken of by the myth could actually be a mythologicail transformation of the ancient Goddess Lady of Life and Death and of Time, the prehistoric Regent of Nature, called the Great Goddess by archeologist Marija Gimbutas.
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sui muri dell'Hotel de Ville (Parigi) |
Il leone ed il serpente che compongono il suo corpo possono indicare le due stagioni di un antico calendario: la stagione della Natura che fiorisce con tutta la sua forza vitale ( il leone ) e la stagione della Natura che declina e muore ma che è in grado di rinascere ( il serpente che va in letargo e si risveglia, che si rinnova quando cambia la pelle )
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scolpita da Botero |
The lion and snake that make up her body can indicate the two seasons of an ancient calendar: the season of Nature that blooms with all its life force (the lion) and the season of Nature that declines and dies but is able to reborn (the serpent going to lethargy and awakening, renewing when it changes its skin).
The great wings indicated the power of the prehistoric Great Goddess who, as Lady of Death, was often identified with a vulture or other birds by the wide wingspan. But, at the same time, she was also Lady of Life, as Life is dependent on a natural equilibrium to which the Goddess provides, on the one hand, as a Source of Life and, on the other hand, as a Dispenser of Death.
Keres sono le Moire ( le Parche romane ) che tessono, avvolgono e recidono il filo della Vita
The Theban Sphinx is called by Aeschylus "Ker who ravishes the humans" and Ker is destiny, fate.
Keres are the Moire (the Roman Parcels) who weave wrap and cut the thread of Life
E lasciatemi aggiungere questa piastrella di ceramica, suggerita dall'immagine a figure rosse dipinta sul fondo di un'antica kylix.
Clicca l'immagine per saperne di più.
And let me add this ceramic tile, suggested by the red figures image painted on the bottom of an ancient kylix.
And let me add this ceramic tile, suggested by the red figures image painted on the bottom of an ancient kylix.
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