Athena the warrior masterchef goddess, Athena glaucopis, Athena whose eyes are cerulean or, better, are shining like as owl eyes shine in the dark.
Owl is bird sacred to the goddess, the bird identifing her, also shown armed as Athena herself.
Owl is bird sacred to the goddess, the bird identifing her, also shown armed as Athena herself.
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MITOliberty |
Atena infatti non è soltanto la dea guerriera, ma anche e soprattutto la dea sapiente, inventrice di strumenti musicali come il flauto e arti e tecniche utili come la tessitura e la coltivazione dell'ulivo, rappresentato sull'orecchino accanto alla civetta.

Essendo l'acqua fonte di vita, era rappresentata per lo più da uccelli acquatici, ma, per indicarne la sapienza, era raffigurata con la civetta, evidenziandone i grandi occhi.
Not only Athena is war goddess, but also and mainly she is the wise goddess, inventor of music instruments such as the flute, inventor of arts and useful tecniques such as weaving and cultivation of olive tree, that I painted near the owl on the earring.
All features coming from the prehistoric Bird Goddess, that was the Great Goddess as She Who gives life and wellness.
As water was a source of life, She was mostly water birds, but, to indicate her wisdom, She was depicted with the owl, highlighting its big eyes.
All features coming from the prehistoric Bird Goddess, that was the Great Goddess as She Who gives life and wellness.
As water was a source of life, She was mostly water birds, but, to indicate her wisdom, She was depicted with the owl, highlighting its big eyes.
Se guardiamo bene l'abbigliamento di Atena, vediamo i serpenti che orlano il suo mantello: anche questo è un attributo della Grande Dea preisorica in quanto dea della Natura che si rigenera a primavera, come il serpente che si risveglia dal letargo ed esce rinnovato dalla sua vecchia pelle.
If we look at Athena's clothing, we see the snakes edging her coat: this is also an attribute of the Great Prehistoric Goddess as a goddess of Nature regenerating in spring, like the snake awakening from the lethargy and coming out of its old skin.
Questa urna funeraria a forma di civetta con vulva e seni esprime bene le diverse funzioni della Dea preistorica: dispensatrice di morte ma anche datrice di vita e madre nutrice dei viventi, colei che sapientemente dirige l'equilibrio della Natura.
This owl-shaped funerary urn with vulva and brests well expresses the various functions of the preistoric Goddess: death dispenser, but also life giver and mother nursing the living, the one who wisely directs the balance of Nature.
If we look at Athena's clothing, we see the snakes edging her coat: this is also an attribute of the Great Prehistoric Goddess as a goddess of Nature regenerating in spring, like the snake awakening from the lethargy and coming out of its old skin.
Questa urna funeraria a forma di civetta con vulva e seni esprime bene le diverse funzioni della Dea preistorica: dispensatrice di morte ma anche datrice di vita e madre nutrice dei viventi, colei che sapientemente dirige l'equilibrio della Natura.
This owl-shaped funerary urn with vulva and brests well expresses the various functions of the preistoric Goddess: death dispenser, but also life giver and mother nursing the living, the one who wisely directs the balance of Nature.
E allora, come non percepire in questi orecchini e in questo ciondolo significati che si perdono nella notte dei tempi?
un fascino proveniente non solo dalla luminosa mitologia greca ma anche dalla misteriosa preistoria.
So, how do you not perceive in these earrings and pendant meanings that are lost in the night of the times?
a charm coming not only from bright Greek mythology but also from the mysterious prehistory.
N.B. informazioni tratte dalla lettura di opere della archeologa Marija Gimbutas
News from reading archaeologist Marija Gimbutas books
un fascino proveniente non solo dalla luminosa mitologia greca ma anche dalla misteriosa preistoria.
So, how do you not perceive in these earrings and pendant meanings that are lost in the night of the times?
a charm coming not only from bright Greek mythology but also from the mysterious prehistory.
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MITOliberty |
N.B. informazioni tratte dalla lettura di opere della archeologa Marija Gimbutas
News from reading archaeologist Marija Gimbutas books
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