Grazie al filo che lei gli aveva dato, ritrovò l'uscita e si salvò.
Arianna, che per Teseo aveva tradito il padre Minosse e fatto uccidere il mostruoso, ma pur sempre fratello, Minotauro, lasciò Creta e si imbarcò con Teseo alla volta di Atene.
Ma, fosse per volere degli dei avversi, a cui Teseo non si oppose, o fosse per diretta volontà dell'ingrato Teseo, Arianna fu da lui abbandonata sull'isola di Nasso, mentre era immersa nel sonno.
It was thanks to Ariadne that Theseus was able to get out of the labyrinth after having killed the Minotaur.
Thanks to the wire that she had given him, he found the exit and was saved.
Ariadne, in order to help Theseus, betrayed her father Minos and made killed the monster Minotaur who, nevertheless, was her brother . Then she left Crete and sailed to Athens with Theseus.
But, perhaps by the will of the adverse gods, to which Theseus did not oppose, or perhaps for direct will of ingrate Theseus, Ariadne was abandoned by him on the island of Naxos, while she was asleep.
It was thanks to Ariadne that Theseus was able to get out of the labyrinth after having killed the Minotaur.
Thanks to the wire that she had given him, he found the exit and was saved.
Ariadne, in order to help Theseus, betrayed her father Minos and made killed the monster Minotaur who, nevertheless, was her brother . Then she left Crete and sailed to Athens with Theseus.
But, perhaps by the will of the adverse gods, to which Theseus did not oppose, or perhaps for direct will of ingrate Theseus, Ariadne was abandoned by him on the island of Naxos, while she was asleep.
Mai fidarsi di un uomo o degli dei.
Delusione amara ma .... ecco arrivare, con il suo chiassoso seguito, l'esuberante Dioniso.
Never trust a man or gods.
Gloomy disappointment .... but here comes the exuberant Dionysus with his rowdy procession .
Colpito dalla bellezza di Arianna, Dioniso si invaghisce di lei e, ricambiato, se ne innamora.
Struck by the beauty of Ariadne, Dionysus falls in love with her and is reciprocated.
Never trust a man or gods.
Gloomy disappointment .... but here comes the exuberant Dionysus with his rowdy procession .
Colpito dalla bellezza di Arianna, Dioniso si invaghisce di lei e, ricambiato, se ne innamora.
Struck by the beauty of Ariadne, Dionysus falls in love with her and is reciprocated.

Ho voluto immergermi in questa storia con un grande acquarello
(50cm x 35cm) dove ho rielaborato il corteo dionisiaco del vaso di Cleofrade, con una piastrella dove ho riprodotto la scena centrale del bellissimo vaso conservato al museo di Toledo (USA) ed un paio di orecchini di terracotta dove ho dipinto i profili dei due amanti. ( MITOliberty )
I wanted to immerse myself in this story with a large watercolor (50cm x 35cm) where I reworked the Dionysian procession of Cleofrade vessel, with a tile where I reproduced the central scene of the beautiful vase kept in the museum of Toledo (USA) and a pair of clay earrings where I painted the profiles of the two lovers. ( MITOliberty )
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TOLEDO ( USA ) Museo Archeologico Archaeological Museum |
La uccisione del Minotauro da parte dell'eroe ateniese Teseo significa certamente una vittoria degli Ateniesi sui Cretesi che, precedentemente, avevano stabilito un predominio su Atene.
Arianna pare fosse la dea cretese lunare, manifestazione celeste della Gran Madre, che, declassata a figlia mortale del re Minosse che aiuta Teseo e parte con lui, potrebbe significare l'assorbimento della religione cretese, ancora matriarcale, nella religione patriarcale dei conquistatori Ateniesi.
Recuperata poi da Dioniso, che fra tutti gli dei olimpici è quello più legato alla precedente religione della Dea Madre, riacquista accanto a lui un ruolo divino.
Si ripete insomma quanto già accaduto con Semele.
What about this myth?
The killing of the Minotaur by the Athenian hero Theseus certainly means a victory of the Athenians over the Cretans who, previously, had established a dominance on Athens.
Ariadne seems to have been the Cretan Moon Goddess, the heavenly manifestation of the Great Mother .
She, downgraded mortal daughter of King Minos, helping Theseus and leaving with him, could mean the absorption of the Cretan religion, even matriarchal, in the patriarchal religion of the Athenians conquerors.
Then, recovered by Dionysus, who among all the Olympic gods is the most linked to the former religion of the Mother Goddess, regains a divine role next to him.
It repeats the same story of Semele
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