Così diceva una vecchia canzone italiana un po' sensuale .....
Chimera come fantasticheria, desiderio irrealizzabile, illusione ....
Ma, l'antica mitologica Chimera era sì una creatura favolosa, ma non aveva niente di dolce, era un terribile mostro.
Il suo nome significa capra e di capra era la sua seconda testa. La prima testa ed il corpo erano quelli di un leone, la sua coda era un serpente. La bocca leonina, vomitava fuoco.
A very old and a little sensual Italian song said: "Illusion, you are a sweet Chimera" ...
Chimera as fantasy, impossible wish, illusion ....
Yes, the ancient mythological Chimera was a fantastic creature, but she was not sweet, she was a terrible monster.
Her name means goat and her second head was a goat head. Her first head was a lion head, such as her body, her tail was a snake. Her lion's mouth spewed fire.

La più bella rappresentazione di questo mostro è la Chimera di Arezzo, una stupenda scultura etrusca in bronzo, risalente al 400 a.C., conservata al Museo Archeologico di Firenze.
Ci presenta il mostro in tutta la sua terribile potenza.
The most beautiful representation of this monster is the Chimera of Arezzo, a beautiful bronze Etruscan sculpture, dating back to 400 BC, that is in the Archaeological Museum of Florence.
It presents the monster in all its terrible power.

Questa invece è una raffigurazione della Chimera su un piatto apulo del 340 a.C. conservato al Louvre
This one is a depiction of the Chimera of an Apulian plate dating back to 340 BC, that is in the Louvre.
Con questo mostro dovette misurarsi il mitico eroe Bellerofonte.
Bellerofonte significa "uccisore di Bellero".
A very old and a little sensual Italian song said: "Illusion, you are a sweet Chimera" ...
Chimera as fantasy, impossible wish, illusion ....
Yes, the ancient mythological Chimera was a fantastic creature, but she was not sweet, she was a terrible monster.
Her name means goat and her second head was a goat head. Her first head was a lion head, such as her body, her tail was a snake. Her lion's mouth spewed fire.

La più bella rappresentazione di questo mostro è la Chimera di Arezzo, una stupenda scultura etrusca in bronzo, risalente al 400 a.C., conservata al Museo Archeologico di Firenze.
Ci presenta il mostro in tutta la sua terribile potenza.
The most beautiful representation of this monster is the Chimera of Arezzo, a beautiful bronze Etruscan sculpture, dating back to 400 BC, that is in the Archaeological Museum of Florence.
It presents the monster in all its terrible power.

Questa invece è una raffigurazione della Chimera su un piatto apulo del 340 a.C. conservato al Louvre
This one is a depiction of the Chimera of an Apulian plate dating back to 340 BC, that is in the Louvre.
Con questo mostro dovette misurarsi il mitico eroe Bellerofonte.
Bellerofonte significa "uccisore di Bellero".
Così fu chiamato il giovane Ipponoo, figlio di Glauco e nipote di Sisifo, dopo che, involontariamente, uccise Bellero, re di Corinto.
E qui cominciarono le sue disavventure...
The mythic hero Bellerophon had to face this monster.
The mythic hero Bellerophon had to face this monster.
Bellerophon means "killer of Bellero".
This was the name given to the young Hipponous, son of Glaucus and grandson of Sisyphus, after that he, unintentionally, killed Bellero, king of Corinth.
And here he began his misadventures ...
Per prima cosa, dovette andare a Tirinto dal re Preto che aveva la facoltà di purificarlo dal delitto commesso.
Ma lì, avendo rifiutato di amoreggiare con la regina, moglie di Preto, che si era invaghita di lui, fu da lei falsamente accusato di averla sedotta.
Storia ricorrente questa, presente in altri racconti mitologici (Fedra) ed anche nella Bibbia, a proposito di Giuseppe che, alla corte del Faraone, incorse nella medesima disavventura.
Non potendo uccidere Bellerofonte che, in quanto ospite, era sacro, Preto lo mandò a consegnare un messaggio segreto al re della Licia, Iobate. Nel messaggio chiedeva a Iobate di uccidere Bellerofonte.
Iobate pensò di raggiungere lo scopo senza macchiarsi direttamente del delitto, ma affidando a Bellerofonte una missione impossibile: l'uccisione della Chimera.
First, he had to go to Tiryns by King Preto who had the power to purify him from the committed crime.
But there, having refused to flirt with the queen, wife of Preto, who was in love with him, he was falsely accused of seducing her.
This is a recurring story, present in other mythological tales (Phaedra) and also in the Bible, about Joseph who, by the Pharaoh's court, incurred in the same misadventure.
Not being able to kill Bellerophon, because, as host, he was sacred, Preto sent him to deliver a secret message to the king of Lycia, Iobates. In the message asking Iobates to kill Bellerophon.
Iobates thought to achieve the purpose without directly committing the crime, but entrusting to Bellerophon a mission impossible: the killing of the Chimera.
First, he had to go to Tiryns by King Preto who had the power to purify him from the committed crime.
But there, having refused to flirt with the queen, wife of Preto, who was in love with him, he was falsely accused of seducing her.
This is a recurring story, present in other mythological tales (Phaedra) and also in the Bible, about Joseph who, by the Pharaoh's court, incurred in the same misadventure.
Not being able to kill Bellerophon, because, as host, he was sacred, Preto sent him to deliver a secret message to the king of Lycia, Iobates. In the message asking Iobates to kill Bellerophon.
Iobates thought to achieve the purpose without directly committing the crime, but entrusting to Bellerophon a mission impossible: the killing of the Chimera.
Preto e Iobate non avevano fatto i conti con la dea Atena, protettrice di Bellerofonte.
Atena infatti gli consegnò Pegaso, il cavallo alato, e gli suggerì l'arma da usare per uccidere il tremendo mostro.
A cavallo di Pegaso, Bellerofonte sovrastò la Chimera e introdusse la punta del giavellotto, armata di piombo, tra le fauci del mostro che, appena vomitò fuoco, causò la sua stessa morte, poichè il piombo si fuse e colò nella sua gola.
Preto and Iobates did not count the goddess Athena, protector of Bellerophon.
Athena indeed handed him Pegasus, the winged horse, and suggested the weapon to kill the terrible monster.
Riding Pegasus, Bellerophon rose above the Chimera and introduced the leaded tip of his javelin between the jaws of the monster who caused her own death, because, as soon as she vomited fire, the lead melted and dripped down her throat.
Preto and Iobates did not count the goddess Athena, protector of Bellerophon.
Athena indeed handed him Pegasus, the winged horse, and suggested the weapon to kill the terrible monster.
Riding Pegasus, Bellerophon rose above the Chimera and introduced the leaded tip of his javelin between the jaws of the monster who caused her own death, because, as soon as she vomited fire, the lead melted and dripped down her throat.
Ecco la scena rappresentata su un epinetron (strumento per la filatura della lana) di terracotta del 425a.C. conservato al Museo Archeologico di Atene.
Here the scene represented on a clay epinetron (tool for spinning wool) in 425 B.C. It is in the Archaeological Museum of Athens.
La stessa scena incisa su uno specchio etrusco di bronzo.
The same scene engraved on a bronze Etruscan mirror
E poi, che ne fu di Bellerofonte?
Tornato vincitore, dopo altre imprese, fu ricompensato da Iobate che gli diede in sposa la figlia.
Ma lui volle sfidare gli dei: cavalcando Pegaso, volle scalare l'Olimpo.
Gli dei si indispettirono e manadarono un tafano a pungere Pegaso che, imbizzarrito, disarcionò Bellerofonte.
Egli, dopo la rovinosa caduta, perso il favore degli dei, continuò la sua vita in misera solitudine.
Egli, dopo la rovinosa caduta, perso il favore degli dei, continuò la sua vita in misera solitudine.
And then? What about Bellerophon?
As winner, after other enterprises, he married Iobates daughter.
But he wanted to challenge the gods: riding Pegasus he wanted to climb Olympus.
The gods were annoyed and sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus. The horse crazed and unseated Bellerophon.
After the disastrous fall, he lost the favor of the gods and continued his life in miserable solitude.
As winner, after other enterprises, he married Iobates daughter.
But he wanted to challenge the gods: riding Pegasus he wanted to climb Olympus.
The gods were annoyed and sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus. The horse crazed and unseated Bellerophon.
After the disastrous fall, he lost the favor of the gods and continued his life in miserable solitude.
Bellerofonte finì miseramente per aver sfidato gli dei olimpici, quelli che avevano sostituito l' antica religione della GRAN MADRE quando vigeva un calendari a tre stagioni personificato dalla Chimera che come capra rappresentava la primavera, come leone rappresentava l'estate e come serpente rappresentava l'inverno. Allora il RE SACRO veniva incoronato re per un anno dopo aver lottato contro uomini mascherati come gli animali del calendario.
Bellerophon ended up miserably for having challenged the Olympic gods, those who had replaced the ancient religion of the GREAT MOTHER when there was a three-season calendar personified by the Chimera which as goat represented spring, as lion represented summer and as snake represented the winter. Then the SACRED KING was crowned king for a year after fighting men masked as the calendar animals.
In questa kylix del museo Getty l'eroe non cavalca Pegaso, ma è da lui spalleggiato e affronta a piedi la Chimera: uomo contro mostro., come il re sacro che affronta gli uomini mascherati.
In this kylix of the Getty museum the hero is not riding Pegasus, but protected behind and he faces the Chimera on foot: man against monster, as the sacred king fighting against the masked men.
e questa è la copia da me realizzata su un piatto da parete
Alla fine, lasciatemi concludere con la presentazione di due miei dipinti, suggeriti dalle opere sopra mostrate.
At the end, let me finish showing two my hand painted works, suggested by the ancient potteries shown above
At the end, let me finish showing two my hand painted works, suggested by the ancient potteries shown above
piastrella di terracotta 15cm x 15cm
terracotta tile 5.9in x 5.9in
piatto di terracotta diametro 26cm.
terracotta plate diameter 10.2in AVAILABLE by
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