Questa faccenda che Europa e il Toro-Zeus sono in realtà la Luna e il Sole mi ha catturata ed ho voluto entrarci con colori e pennelli.
Perciò ho cercato una immagine che fosse suggestiva e l'ho dipinta su un piatto di terracotta.
Eccola qui: l'antica ceramica si trova in un museo a Vienna, ma il mio piatto si trova presso il negozio MITOliberty, dove potete trovare più fotografie, più informazioni ed anche il prezzo.
This thing that Europe and the Bull-Zeus are really the Moon and the Sun caught me and I wanted to get into it with paints and brushes.
So I looked for an image that was suggestive and I painted on a terracotta dish.
Here it is: the old ceramic is in a museum in Vienna, but my plate is located at the MITOliberty shop, where you can find more pictures, more information and even the price.
This thing that Europe and the Bull-Zeus are really the Moon and the Sun caught me and I wanted to get into it with paints and brushes.
So I looked for an image that was suggestive and I painted on a terracotta dish.
Here it is: the old ceramic is in a museum in Vienna, but my plate is located at the MITOliberty shop, where you can find more pictures, more information and even the price.
Ma torniamo alle antiche storie!
I popoli mediterranei veneravano la dea Luna, manifestazione della Dea Madre, ma i Babilonesi veneravano il dio Luna, un dio maschile chiamato Sin che, come la dea Mediterranea, governava il ciclico scorrere della vita sulla Terra.
Sin era rappresentato con corna bovine sulla testa ed era simboleggiato dal toro.
But back to the old tales!
The Mediterranean peoples worshiped the Moon Goddess, a manifestation of the Mother Goddess, but the Babylonians worshiped the Moon God, a male god named Sin who, as the Mediterranean goddess, ruled the cyclical flow of life on Earth.
Sin was represented with bovine horns on his head and was symbolized by the bull.
But back to the old tales!
The Mediterranean peoples worshiped the Moon Goddess, a manifestation of the Mother Goddess, but the Babylonians worshiped the Moon God, a male god named Sin who, as the Mediterranean goddess, ruled the cyclical flow of life on Earth.
Sin was represented with bovine horns on his head and was symbolized by the bull.

Nel IV millennio a.C. gli astronomi babilonesi identificarono col Toro, cioè con il dio della luna Sin, la costellazione zodiacale dell'equinozio di primavera, proprio perché era Sin a governare la vita sulla Terra, che ricomincia a fiorire all'equinozio di primavera, quando il Sole lascia l'emisfero meridionale dello zodiaco (gli Inferi) e riprende a salire nell'emisfero settentrionale portando luce e calore.
In the fourth millennium BC, Babylonian astronomers identified the zodiacal constellation of the spring equinox with Taurus (Bull), that is, with the Moon God Sin, because it was Sin to govern the life on Earth flourishing on spring equinox, when the Sun leaves the southern hemisphere of the zodiac (the Underworld) and starts to climb the northern hemisphere, bringing light and warmth.
Anche i popoli mediterranei identificarono la costellazione dell'equinozio primaverile con il toro che per loro però simboleggiava il Sole il cui disco, infatti, era posto tra le corna del toro che lo rappresentava.
Per le genti mediterranee il Toro-Sole ben si adattava alla costellazione dell'equinozio di primavera, proprio perché ne indicava la risalita.
Mediterranean people also identified the constellation of the spring equinox with the bull that, however, symbolized the Sun whose disk, in fact, they placed between the horns of the bull representing the Sun.
For Mediterranean peoples the Bull-Sun was well suited to the constellation of the spring equinox, because it indicated the ascent of the sun.
Per le genti mediterranee il Toro-Sole ben si adattava alla costellazione dell'equinozio di primavera, proprio perché ne indicava la risalita.
Mediterranean people also identified the constellation of the spring equinox with the bull that, however, symbolized the Sun whose disk, in fact, they placed between the horns of the bull representing the Sun.
For Mediterranean peoples the Bull-Sun was well suited to the constellation of the spring equinox, because it indicated the ascent of the sun.
Come sappiamo, a causa della precessione, il Toro non è più la costellazione dell'equinozio di primavera, ma lo sarà di nuovo dopo un ciclo di 25920 anni.
As we know, because of the precession, the Bull is no longer the constellation of equinox spring, but it will be again after a 25,920 year cycle.
Le corna bovine, per la loro forma a falce di luna, furono emblema anche delle dee lunari mediterranee, come la fenicia Astarte, l'egizia Iside, la preellenica Selene, l'olimpica Artemide-Diana, tutte manifestazioni della Dea Madre.
Beef horns, probably because of their shape, were also emblematic of the Mediterranean Moon Goddesses such as Phoenician Astarte, the Egyptian Isis, the pre-Hellenic Selene, or the olimpic Artemis-Diana, which were manifestations of the Mother Goddess.
As we know, because of the precession, the Bull is no longer the constellation of equinox spring, but it will be again after a 25,920 year cycle.
Le corna bovine, per la loro forma a falce di luna, furono emblema anche delle dee lunari mediterranee, come la fenicia Astarte, l'egizia Iside, la preellenica Selene, l'olimpica Artemide-Diana, tutte manifestazioni della Dea Madre.
Beef horns, probably because of their shape, were also emblematic of the Mediterranean Moon Goddesses such as Phoenician Astarte, the Egyptian Isis, the pre-Hellenic Selene, or the olimpic Artemis-Diana, which were manifestations of the Mother Goddess.
Da lei, la Grande Madre Luna, dipendeva, come dal Sin babilonese, la vita sulla Terra che, con l'equinozio di primavera è progressivamente rinvigorita dalla crescente energia del Sole che, presso i popoli mediterranei era rappresentato dal Toro.
Perciò Europa (la Luna dall'ampio sguardo) in groppa al Toro, rappresentava sì la congiunzione Sole-Luna al novilunio, ma significava anche che la ciclicità della vita sulla Terra dipendeva dal vigore del Sole governato dalla Luna, proprio come pensavano gli antichi astronomi Babilonesi.
The Great Mother Moon, as the Babylonian Sin, ruled life on Earth that, with the spring equinox, is gradually strengthened by the growing power of the Sun, that, at the Mediterranean peoples, was represented by the Bull.
About Europe (the Moon "with the large eyes") riding the solar Bull, yes it represented the Sun-Moon conjunction, but it also meant that the cyclical nature of life on Earth depended on the force of the Sun ruled by the Moon, that is the same belief of the ancient Babylonian astronomers.
The Great Mother Moon, as the Babylonian Sin, ruled life on Earth that, with the spring equinox, is gradually strengthened by the growing power of the Sun, that, at the Mediterranean peoples, was represented by the Bull.
About Europe (the Moon "with the large eyes") riding the solar Bull, yes it represented the Sun-Moon conjunction, but it also meant that the cyclical nature of life on Earth depended on the force of the Sun ruled by the Moon, that is the same belief of the ancient Babylonian astronomers.
Ma il mito, creato in tempi successivi, identificò il Toro-Sole con il Toro-Zeus della nuova religione patriarcale. Egli rapisce e sottomette la Dea della religione antica, declassata a mortale principessa.
... Tutto scorre, Panta rei! ...
But the myth, created in later times, identified the Bull-Sun with Bull-Zeus of the new patriarchal religion. He kidnaps and subdues the Goddess of the ancient religion, downgraded to mortal princess.
... Everything flows, Panta rei! ...
Per entrare in sintonia col Sole e con la Luna, ho voluto creare un paio di orecchini, uno con la testa del Toro, l'altro con la testa di Europa.
Eccoli qui!
To get in tune with the Sun and the Moon, I wanted to create a pair of earrings, one with the head of the Bull, the other with the head of Europe.
Here they are!
Li ho indossati e, subito una signora ha chiesto di acquistarli....
I was wearing and immediately a lady asked me to do buy....

To know more, read the previous posts
Per saperne di più , leggi i post precedenti
TAURUS the stars, le stelle
TAURUS il mito, the myth
Per saperne di più , leggi i post precedenti
TAURUS the stars, le stelle
TAURUS il mito, the myth