Questo è il frontone occidentale del tempio di Artemide a Corfù. La figura centrale è la Gorgone Medusa: bocca aperta, lingua pendula, ali di ape, due serpenti come antenne fuoriuscenti dalla testa, serpenti attorno alla cintura.
E' posta tra due pantere, presentata quindi come Potnia Theron, Signora delle fiere, proprio come Omero chiamò Artemide a cui il tempio è dedicato.
This is the western pediment of the Temple of Artemis in Corfu. The central figure is the Gorgon Medusa: open mouth, pendulum language, bee wings, two snakes as antennas leaking from the head, snakes around the belt.
She is placed between two panthers, so presented as Potnia Theron, Lady of Fairs, just as Homer called Artemis to whom the temple is dedicated.

Medusa, in the Greek myth, was one of the three Gorgons, three monstrous sisters, with hair snakes, who had the power to petrify anyone looking at them. Of the three, only Medusa was mortal and was killed by Perseus who cut and gave his head to the goddess Athena, who had helped him and who kept the head on her aegid.

Secondo i racconti della mitologia greca, Medusa sarebbe stata trasformata in un mostro da Atena o perché gelosa della bellezza di cui la giovane Medusa si vantava, dicendo di poter competere con la dea stessa, o perché la riteneva colpevole di profonazione, in quanto violentata da Poseidone dentro un suo tempio....
Comunque sia, ebbe una tragica fine e la sua testa divenne ornamento per la vendicativa Atena.
According to the stories of Greek mythology, Medusa would have been transformed into a monster by Athena or because she was jealous of the beauty of which the young Medusa boasted, saying she could compete with the goddess, or because she was guilty of profaning as she was raped by Poseidon in the temple of Athena.
However, she had a tragic end and her head became an ornament for the avenging Athena.
Fine prima parte
Come deterrente per i nemici, il suo volto veniva anche raffigurato sugli scudi dei combattenti.
D'altronde, il suo nome significa "protettrice", dal verbo "medo = proteggo"
As a deterrent to the enemies, his face was also depicted on the shields of the fighters.
Moreover, her name means "protectress", from the verb "medo = protect"
As a deterrent to the enemies, his face was also depicted on the shields of the fighters.
Moreover, her name means "protectress", from the verb "medo = protect"
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