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frontone occidentale del tempio di Atrtemide a Rodi western pediment in Artemis temple in Rhodes |
Sul frontone dell'Artemision di Rodi, Medusa compare mostruosa ma non trasmette cattiveria, bensì potenza, soprattutto per quei serpenti attorcigliati, che nei tempi più antichi erano simboli di rigenerazione, come quelli maneggiati dalla cretese "dea dei serpenti".
On the Rhodes Artemision pediment, Medusa appears to be monstrous but she does not transmit malice, but power, especially for those twisted snakes, which at the earliest times were regeneration symbols, such as those handled by the Cretan "snakes goddess."

On the Rhodes Artemision pediment, Medusa appears to be monstrous but she does not transmit malice, but power, especially for those twisted snakes, which at the earliest times were regeneration symbols, such as those handled by the Cretan "snakes goddess."
Anche le api, di cui Medusa ha le ali, erano simboli di vita e rigenerazione, come testimoniato dalle dee api preistoriche e cretesi.
Even the bees, which Medusa has wings, were symbols of life and regeneration, attested by the Bee Goddesses of prehistoric times and Cretan civilization.
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Sigillo cretese con dea ape e sacerdotesse della dea. |
E allora anche la mitologica Medusa affonda le radici in un più lontano passato quando la divinità femminile era vista come potente forza regolatrice della Natura, della Vita e della Morte..
Medusa era sì una maschera di morte, ma portava anche simboli di rinascita, poiché aveva la forza di mantenere l'equilibrio della Natura, ne era la protettrice, come indicato dal suo nome che, come già detto, deriva dal verbo "medo = proteggo"
And then the mythological Medusa is rooted in a more remote past when the Female Deity was seen as a powerful regulating force of Nature, Life and Death.
Medusa was indeed a death mask, but she brought also signs of rebirth, as she had the power to maintain the balance of Nature, she was the protector, as indicated by her name that, as said before, comes from the verb "medo = I protect"
Eccola di nuovo in questo tondo, come nel frontone, ritratta come "Potnia theron", del tutto simile ad Artemide, la dea olimpica anch'essa debitrice alla più antica Grande Dea della Natura di molti suoi attributi.
Here again in this round, like in pediment, she is shown as a "Ponia theron", quite similar to Artemis, she also debtor to the ancient Prehistoric Great Goddess of Nature, of many of her attributes as an Olympic divinity
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Gorgon Medusa |
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Artemis |
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Artemis |
These images of the archaic period of vascular painting still express the beliefs of the pre-Olympic religion: both Medusa and Artemis, both winged, represent the same divinity lady of wild life who, with the Gorgon mask, expresses her power of death. On the other hand, the Medusa of the pediment of Rhodes is carved on the temple of Artemis .....
La Gorgone Medusa e Artemide erano due facce della stessa Grande Dea dei popoli preindoeuropei, quella che è qui sotto rappresentata, carica di simboli e in tutta la sua potenza, su un vaso del periodo arcaico, in tempi storici.
The Gorgon Medusa and Artemis were two faces of the same pre-Indo-European Great-Goddess, the one represented below, loaded with symbols and in all her power, on a vase of the archaic period in historical times.
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Tebe, VII se. a.C. |
Quando società e religione mutarono con l'affermarsi del patriarcato ed il sopravvento degli dei olimpici, anche Medusa fu ridotta a mostro capace di dare soltanto la morte e la sua forza vitale di "signora delle fiere" passò ad Artemide.
When society and religion changed with patriarchal affirmation and the overcoming of olimpic gods, even Medusa was reduced to a monster only capable of giving death and her vitality of "Lady of fairs" went to Artemis.
Detto questo, ecco un paio di orecchini Medusa, mostro pietrificante, ma anche potente Signora della Natura.
That being said, here is a pair of Medusa earrings, petrifying monster, but also powerful Lady of Nature.
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