In itself, the chicken breast is a bit insipid food. But the golden onions can revive its taste.
un petto di pollo di circa 0,5 kg
a chicken breast about 0.5 kg
6 cipolle dorate
6 golden onions
mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco secco
a half glass of dry white wine
2 foglie di alloro
2 laurel leaves
2 peperoncini
2 chilies
olio extravergine di oliva
extra virgin olive oil
Accendete il forno ventilato a 180°.
Affettate le cipolle e mettetele in un tegame con l'olio, il sale, l'alloro e i peperoncini.
Fatele soffriggere per 10 - 15 minuti.
Preheat the oven at 180 °C (356°F).
Slice the onions and place in a pan with oil, salt, laurel leaves and chilies.
Fry them for 10 to 15 minutes.
Preheat the oven at 180 °C (356°F).
Slice the onions and place in a pan with oil, salt, laurel leaves and chilies.
Fry them for 10 to 15 minutes.
Adagiate il petto di pollo in mezzo alle cipolle, salatelo su entrambi i lati e rotolatelo nell'olio.
Innaffiate col vino.
Coprite il tegame con un foglio di alluminio qua e là bucherellato e mettetelo nel forno.
Fate cuocere per circa 30 minuti, poi togliete la copertura di alluminio, rimescolate le cipolle, rivoltate il petto di pollo.
Continuate la cottura in forno a tegame scoperto per un'altra ora, rivoltando ogni tanto sia il pollo che le cipolle e aggiungendo vino se necessario.
Put the chicken breast among the onions, add salt on both sides and roll it in the oil.
Wash down with wine.
Cover the pan with aluminum foil with holes here and there and put in the oven.
Cook for about 30 minutes, then remove the aluminum cover, stir the onions, turn over the chicken breast.
Continue cooking in the oven at pan uncovered for another hour, turning every so both chicken and onions and adding wine if necessary.
Wash down with wine.
Cover the pan with aluminum foil with holes here and there and put in the oven.
Cook for about 30 minutes, then remove the aluminum cover, stir the onions, turn over the chicken breast.
Continue cooking in the oven at pan uncovered for another hour, turning every so both chicken and onions and adding wine if necessary.
Il petto di pollo sarà morbidissimo.
Affettatelo e mettetelo in tavola in un piatto insieme alle cipolle.
Mangiatelo con polenta e vino rosso, per esempio Gutturnio dei Colli Piacentini.
The chicken breast is soft.
Slice and put on the table in a dish together with the onions.
Eat it with polenta and red wine, for example Gutturnio Colli Piacentini.
The chicken breast is soft.
Slice and put on the table in a dish together with the onions.
Eat it with polenta and red wine, for example Gutturnio Colli Piacentini.
E dopo il gusto, soddisfiamo la vista guardando un pollo non finito in pentola ma diventato gallo, quel gallo che Zeus donò al bel Ganimede per sedurlo.
And after the taste sense, we satisfy the view sense, looking at a chicken not finished in the pot but become rooster, the rooster that Zeus gave to the beautiful Ganymede to seduce him

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